826CHI is a non-profit creative writing, tutoring, and publishing center dedicated to amplifying the voices of Chicago youth.
Our storefront invites our neighbors to learn about our work. Every purchase supports 826CHI’s tuition-free programs.
I’m thankful for family
great friends
people who care about me
An education
that will help me get
as smart as Einstein
Love, why are you so complicated?
Whenever I feel you, I don’t know how to say that I do.
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When I have nothing to do,
you could say that I’m like an apple rotting.
I’m as bored as a seagull sitting all day who can’t
catch a fish.
Happiness is when I am with my friends and they make
me laugh.
Happiness is when I eat ice cream.
It’s like a party in my mouth.
Join 826CHI in celebrating our sweet 16th birthday on Zoom!
Mark your calendars and virtually celebrate with us on Friday, July 31st!